How to make money with Google Adsense ~ Free Adsense Money Tips Blog - Adsense Secrets

How to make money with Google Adsense

In this post, I will tell you the secrets about how to monetize your website with google adsense. Monetizing the website with google adsense is profitable.

Displaying adsense ads on your website is free, and it is very easy to setup as well. Each click on every ad on the pages counts. They add up and may turn up to be a huge reward for a very little effort, you have put in. Adsense is a profitable stream of money for online businesses.

Since the ads placed by Google Adsense are relevant to the content of your website, they help you to both monetize and enhance your content. This is because, the ads are related to, what your visitors are there on your website for.

The amount you will be earning, depends on certain factors. e.g. the amount the advertisers are willing to pay for the advertisement, the keywords required. If the keywords have high demand, you can earn more money with less clicks. But, on the other hand, the low demand keywords will earn less for you, per click.

You have to perform the following steps to start earning money from your website with Google Adsense.

1. Sign up for an Adsense account. It is a short process and takes only a few minutes.

2. You will recieve a clip code, once your website is accepted. You can then insert this code to your website. You can use the same code for as many websites or page you want. Once you have inserted the code, the Adwords will start showing.

3. Once people start clicking on these ads, you will start earning money from them. Be careful about trying to earn false revenues by clicking on your own ads repetitively. This will result in a penalty. Your website may also be eliminated as a result. Or the already earned money may also be lost.

4. You can view your adsense statistics by logging into your website.

Once you start earning money, you will want to get more out of your adsense program. You will want to earn more money. It is possible. But it takes some time and some effort. You need to do trial and error to get what you want to.

How do you increase your Adsense earnings?

1. You should make keyword focussed quality content pages. These pages must have some targeted phrases or keywords in them. This will result in more relevant adsense ads, which then result in higher clickthroughs.

2. Your google ads must not look like ads to your visitors. They must appear as if they are a part of your content. The look and feel of the ads should be harmonized with your contents look and feel. e.g. the title of ads must have the same color as the links on your web page.

3. Also play with the ad placements. The large rectangle ads, somehow are the best ones, if you want to earn more money. Then come the leaderboard ads. And then the vertical ads, which run down side by side with your content.

4. Build more keyword focused content pages for your website.

5. The best tip will be to use Site Build It. This is the perfect, infact the best tool to earn lot of money from adsense. Site Build It has a collection of many different tools, which will you to get high quality keyword focussed webpages. It will also help you get more targetted traffic to your website.

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