Getting Started With Adsense ~ Free Adsense Money Tips Blog - Adsense Secrets

Getting Started With Adsense

Hello and Welcome to Free AdSense Money Tips! In this article, I will explain the process of adding AdSense to your website. One of the brilliant features of Google AdSense program is that it makes it very easy for you to setup an AdSense account and then use it on your website.

It takes only a few minutes to setup an AdSense account, and after that, you can put the Adsense ads on your website. It's that simple!

Steps to Getting Started With Adsense

The first step in this process is to go the URL, Now if you have an account, login with your username and password. Otherwise, you have to create an account here. You have to agree to Google AdSense Terms and Conditions, in order to proceed.

Then you will be shown a report page, which shows you the detailed status on how your AdSense advertising is doing. This serves the purpose of a feedback. Based on this feedback, you can decide how to make your AdSense more effective, by modifying the content or the AdSense ad layout.

This page has a "Setup" tab on the top, which will help you to generate the code. This code will then be pasted to your website, as a result of which, Adsense banners will start showing on your website.

You have three choices, when it comes to earning with your Adsense program. First one is the AdSense for content, the second one being the AdSense for search, and last but not the least, the AdSense for feeds. Don't worry if you can't understand this right now. I will explain these later.

There is also a "My Account" tab. By clicking on this tab, you can setup the details about your account, payment and tax information.

To add and show a text ad on your page, click on "AdSense Setup" tab and chose the "AdSense for content" link. The cookies must be enabled in your browser.

There are two types of "AdSense for content" ads. You can choose between ad units and link units. The ad units show text and/or images concerning a certain site. This ad contains a detailed description too. The links units however only contain links to the other sites.

This choice is not an easy one. You have to experiment with both the types. You have to follow trial and error, until you get the desired results from your ads. Google has put a restriction on how much ad units and link units you can show on your pages. You may only use one link unit and three ad units on one page.

Now you have to choose the ad format and colors. There are some color palettes provided by Google. You can choose the look and feel for your ads from these given palettes. You can also preview the ads, as you keep making changes to them. The best way to choose your ads' format and colors is to keep the look and feel of your website, where you are going to show these ads. The two must be in harmony. The title of your ads must have the same color as that of the links on your webpage. The text in the ads must have the same color as that of the text in your site.

When you are done with this customization, click "Continue" from the bottom of the page, to proceed. Now a JavaScript code will appear in the text box. Copy this code. This code will show the Google ads on your website.

Now you can copy this code and paste it into your web pages directly, where you wish to show them. If you are using dynamic websites, you can paste this code inside the template, so that the ads show automatically on all the pages. You may also choose not to show the ads on all the pages. It depends on you.

Now the next step for you is the most important one. You have to put content on your website. The reason being, Google's crawlers will soon visit your website to check if the ads shown on your website are relevant or not. So put lots of keyword focused quality content on your web pages.

And you are done! Now you are ready to monetize from your website using this simple and easy to use Google AdSense program. I hope this post would have helped you. On this blog, I will post more articles about how to optimize the ads for increased revenue from Adsense.

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