Adsense Ad Placement Tips ~ Free Adsense Money Tips Blog - Adsense Secrets

Adsense Ad Placement Tips

Hello all! It has been a great week with respect to my Adsense program. I am really happy that my previous ad placements worked well for me, although I didn’t have that much traffic. I am still experimenting with the Adsense ad placements. In this post, I shall share some useful information and tips about Google ads placement on your website, to maximize its earning potential.

There are many people who have nice websites but their Adsense is not giving them much cash. One of the reasons may be that the ads are not placed properly. Adsense ad placement is a crucial part of Adsense optimization. If your Adsense is not working out well for you, read through this article and put these tips into practice. You will soon see the difference in the earnings.

Tip 1 – Experiment with the Ad Placement

The first tip I would like to give to you is to never get stuck with one ad placement scheme. Even though this “perfect ad placement” is working well for you, but you may want to change the format of ads a little, or change their positions a little. These may give your earnings a boost. If they don’t, you can always revert back to your old “perfect ad placement”.

So, play with your ad placements. You may use Adsense Reports to analyze the performance of your different ad placements. Then choose the one, which works best for you.

Tip 2 – Use Heat Maps for Google Adsense

There are a lot of different formats of website and blogs out there. E.g. there are 1 column, 2 column, 3 column and even 4 column websites. Some 3 column websites have one left column and one right column while the content is in middle and so on.

The best Adsense placement may be different for all of these. The basic idea of optimized Adsense placement is to place the ads where they are most visible or where they get noticed easily. Google provides a “Heat Map” for this. It can be found here. The darker zones wills bring you more clicks are compared to the lighter ones. So try to put your ads in the dark zones. But do remember the first tip – keep on experimenting!

Tip 3 – Your Ads Must Be Visible

You should place your ads in the parts of your pages, which appear first when the pages load. By this, I mean the ads must be near the top. You may place a leader board ad under the header. You may also put a vertical skyscraper ad in the left or right side column.

The ads near the bottom of the pages are the hardest to monetize, unless some really good effort is put into them. But this too depends on the different formats of the websites. For example, if you have a blog and you get a lot of comments on your posts, putting Adsense ads after the posts will really be a great idea.

The basic idea of this tip is to make your Adsense ads more easily visible and approachable. You should not make your visitors drag their mouse towards your Adsense. Normally they won’t. Try to put the ads at the places, where you think the user activity will be the maximum. E.g. you may put the ads near the navigation, near the buttons etc.

Tip 4 – Place Ads Close Together

You must try to put two ad units close to each other. And they will most often perform better, if they are placed in perpendicular to each other.

You may use this format. 160x600 ads are placed with 300x250 ads

Or you may use this format. 728x90 ads are placed with 300x250 ads

Or you may use this format. 728x90 ads are placed with 160x600 ads.

Tip 5 – Embed the Ads in Content

You must try to embed the ads inside the content. This way the ads will look like the content. And will have more chances to get clicked.

For this purpose using the large rectangle (336x280) is the best option. Or you may use the medium rectangle (300x250). You may wrap the text around these ads for the best results. You may see the example of this format on the top of this post.

Using these tips, you can improve your Google Adsense Earnings significantly. I can’t put more emphasis on experimenting with different ad formats. You must use the Google Adsense reports to analyze your Adsense ads performance.

Best of luck of with your Adsense!

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